So I guess I have a website now

Ok then. I’m here now. My own website. Wow.

It is funny, I think it was 10 years ago I embarked on a project to create my own site using github pages. ‘Oh the things I will write about’, I thought to myself. ‘Writing about stuff like programming, and um… I guess only programming.’

The project was abandoned real quick. I got sort of overwhelmed by Jekyll and I realized my motivation to actually write stuff was not great enough to follow through.

And now! I’m doing it again. Jekyll once more even. This time around I went with a completely themeless site. By now I have the CSS chops to style my site the way I want it, not having to beat a complicated prefabricated theme into a shape I could call my own. I’m really happy with the way it is turning out.

Those CSS chops. Got them from Cohost. If you are reading this you probably know why this site exists. If not, well, it’s because the blogging/social media platform called Cohost is coming to an end. People are jumping ship. Going other places. Trying to find a new place to carve out as their own.

This is where I’m going. This website.

Like many others from Cohost, I’m sad that the experiment will come to an end. At the time of writing, we got less than a week to be on the site before it goes read-only.

I will stay on Cohost for the remaining time, but I intend to continue my posting here afterward. This site will also host an archive of my CSS crimes and other posts that I made on Cohost.

If you do not know what CSS crimes are: Cohost allowed you to write html alongside the usual markdown you normally use when composing posts. You could inline styles on your html elements to give your posts character with only minor limitations on what styles were allowed (position: fixed got patched out real early in the site’s history). Even more fun, you could even reuse a keyframe definition from the site’s CSS definitions to animate the transform property of any element.

A subculture of writing html posts with elaborate styling (CSS crimes) sprung up on the site. Elaborate animations. Games and puzzles. Interactive posts. A subculture of stretching the limits of what you can acheive with just html and inline styles. A subculture I participated in.

I hope I can keep my motivation up to carry on posting on this site, even without the social features that Cohost provided. I’m going to miss the site and the people/creatures on it.

I think this serves as a good introduction post for now. I will flesh out the about section soon, but for now my main focus is finishing up all my loose threads on Cohost, and participate there until it is no longer possible.

If you used Cohost, thanks for having used Cohost. If you have read this post, thanks for having read it. See you around!
