Disc Golf Club Tournament 2024

The disc golf summer season is coming to an end with the weather becoming colder and more rainy. The club at my home course recently finished the last event of the summer tournament and the only thing left is the club tournament in which only club members participate.

I had absolutely no chance of winning because there was only Open class available to play in, whereas I was firmly in the center of the MA2 class during the summer tournament. So my mindset going in was just to take it easy, give it my best and not to care if it goes bad. A mindset which usually correlates with better scores, at least compared to the times I go into a tournament completely obsessed with getting the best score possible. There is a lesson to be learned there, but it is hard.

We were lucky with the weather. This week has been rainy, and the forecast looked a bit dodgy for the day. Despite this, we actually got some sunny moments with just the occasional short and light rain shower. (At one point we heard distant thunder!)

Walking through the woods, the sun low on the sky, the light refracting through the rain drops hanging of the yellowing leaves - it makes me remember that I live in a very beautiful part of the world.

I played ok given the circumstances. I had a wonderful start, then at the harder holes I started leaking throws, erasing all the nice birdies I had gotten up to that point, landing me at even par for the course. We then played a second round on the short-hole course at which I played kind of mediocre throughout, only sort of picking myself up at the end. My total score for the day was -5, placing me square in the middle of the field.

Time to dust of my glow-in-the-dark discs for the winter season!
