Mycket mer än filer! Visa och upptäck alla webblänkar och fler filtyper från den här chatten.
Jag förstår! Inte!
Another example of the weird translations you are presented with in the wonderful world of corporate SaaS communication tools. It’s not that this is gramatically incorrect or anything, but it is just how weird and useless this message feels.
The files have been shared now
Much more than files! Show and discover all web links and more file types from this chat.
I understand!
It feels like that conundrum with us no longer being able to say ‘No’ to nag messages and popups - the only options are Yes and Later nowadays. In this case there is no
I don't understand (but please do not take that as an opportunity to flash more annoying speech bubbles in my chat program in an attempt to explain)
button available.
Anyways, this post is mostly just a way for me to try out posting directly from my phone. I’m now able to use a phone git client that triggers a git action and god I can’t go on writing about CI/CD systems it is so boring. The takeaway is that I can post to my blog from my phone, and even include images with them. So that will hopefully lower the barrier to posting a few notches.