Plats för TC

One week into my winter vacation. Before vacation it felt like holding my breath for several weeks, just trying to hold on until I can get some rest. For the past week I’ve basically been in a state of hibernation.

This winter season has been pretty dreary so far. The weather has been nothing but flat gray skies, sometimes with a bit of mist thrown in. Temperatures have not been below freezing, we have not even gotten sleet to give us the impression that the weather is anything but abnormal.

Looking out the window this morning, I actually saw small bits of blue sky through the cracks in the cloud ceiling. Passa på, I thought. I needed to hop on my bike and go somewhere. Just be outside while there is an opportunity to see the sun.

After a bunch of indecision I eventually decided to bike into central Gothenburg. I needed to buy more coffee beans. That would be my mission. By then the clouds were thick once more so the opportunity to see the sun was gone.

Anyways, I’m now set for coffee for the next couple of months and I got a couple more kilometers of pedaling into my legs, so at least that’s something.

Please enjoy this photo from the bike room of my company’s Central Gothenburg offices. I do not know what TC means. Tandemcykel perhaps?


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