A Correction

In my 2024 music list and looking back at the year, I mentioned being able to do 2 pull-ups. I need to issue a correction.

I have since learned that there are two similar exercises - the pull-up and the chin-up. They differ in which way you grab the bar, either with your wrists supenated or pronated.

The exercise I’ve been using to evaluate my upper body strength is the number of chin-ups I’m capable of, not the pull-up. And through my research I’ve found out the chin-up is the easier one. It was not just me thinking it was a personal preference for the way you grab the bar.

So, a correction is in order. At the end of 2024, I could do 2 chin-ups in a row. 0 pull-ups. Still, go me.

End correction.

(I am now at 3 chin-ups, 0.5 pull-ups.)

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