Going in blind: Godspeed You! Black Emperor

As I’ve promised myself: This year I will see more live shows. My first course of action at the start of this year was to look at the listings at the different venues around town. The first place I looked, Pustervik, yielded results immediately. Godspeed You! Black Emperor would make a stop here in Gothenburg.
West Pier

I'm at the Dog Tile

It is a Tile with a Dog on printed on it
A Correction
In my 2024 music list and looking back at the year, I mentioned being able to do 2 pull-ups. I need to issue a correction.
The Oceana Fire

Wayland breaks the tools I use to make a living
Major distros are soon switching to versions of desktop environments that use Wayland instead of X11. This is a bad state of affairs for accessibility.

This was revealed to me in a dream

Resolutions for 2025
New year’s resolutions are not really my thing so I did not give it much of a thought as the previous year came to an end. Thinking a bit about it made me realize that there are a few things I do want to achieve this year and I would do well from actually writing them down. Maybe use this as a guide to look back at how far I’ve come once 2025 also comes to an end.
Plats för TC

Plats för TC
Moiré 4

Moiré animations. Now with colors.
2024 Music Rundown and looking back at the year
I am no fan of Spotify, nor the ‘Your year unwrapped’ that you see crop up around the end of the year. It is just so impersonal I think. Sure, somebody listened to all that, and maybe I can recognize something matching my tastes, but other than that it is mostly chaff. There are stories to be told: Why did you listen to that track so much? What did it make you feel? A statistical summary of your listening habits elide all those details. Tell us the story!
Moiré 3

Even moiré patterns to interact with!
Moiré 2

Moiré patterns, now with interactivity!
Xerrox Vol.5

Moiré 1

Starting the work of archiving my cohost css crimes
Glass Array 1

Let's have a look at how Golf is doing
Golf is being Normal
Binocular Panorama

I made a sudoku!

In which I link to a playable sudoku with variant rules.
Making letters appear inside of a computer
My way of inputting text into computers has always been some degree of messed up. This comes at a cost.
Recreating the Gross Arcade Machine

coupleofdays, a friend of mine from cohost posted this gross looking Nutting Associates arcade machine to celebrate it being the kind of November where you are supposed avoid stuff related to Nutting:
Reblogged: highly recommended for Creatures, especially Floor Creatures.
Confined Particle

Geometri 3

Link Roundup - Repurposing, reassembling.
In which I post a couple of links to some nice finds on the web.
Ley Planes

[Ley Lines] were theorized as early as the mid 1800s […] but it was not until the 1960s that Ley Lines caught mainstream interest following the development of a theory based on generalizing the Ley Line to a 6-dimensional array of Ley Hyperplanes intersecting certain Hilbert-subspaces […]
Likes are enabled
I’ve added likes to my page. You can now send me a little +1 and it will be shown at the bottom of the page. Isn’t that nice? You can attach your name to it and even have it link back to your site.
Going back to X (the everything site)
I see no other alternative than to log back into my X account after leaving it dormant for two years.
Remembered that this music video exists
Supermen Lovers - Starlight
Learning shader programming in Blender

In which I create a glowing orb.
Filerna har delats nu
Mycket mer än filer! Visa och upptäck alla webblänkar och fler filtyper från den här chatten.
Jag förstår! Inte!
Learning landscape modeling in blender
I’m following a blender tutorial for learning how to model outdoor environments. It’s nice!
Bandcamp Friday Supported-by-Roland Haul
So that Bandcamp huh? That warm feeling you get when you buy music directly. No Spotify acting the middle man, paying artists a fraction of a pittance for their work.
Going dark for a bit
Since the announcement that cohost was shutting down, I’ve made myself really busy with that site and also this site. Finishing off posting projects, deciding on where to go next, then making this website.
Disc Golf Club Tournament 2024
The disc golf summer season is coming to an end with the weather becoming colder and more rainy. The club at my home course recently finished the last event of the summer tournament and the only thing left is the club tournament in which only club members participate.
So I guess I have a website now
Ok then. I’m here now. My own website. Wow.
© 2025 rykarn